During in-person events, a postcard sized physical card is handed out so that attendees can have quick access to a number of different questions to join with the ICG community, provide feedback, etc.
Scope: Re-design a Keep in Contact Card
Project Type: August - September 2024
Role: Head Product Designer
Tools: Pen to Paper Sketches, Adobe Illustrator, Printing Production
The previous Keep in Touch card didn't include all the information into one product. But rather spread it out causing the process to not be streamlined for what was needed.
Existing Keep in Touch Card
The team at ICG expressed that utilizing QR codes would be highly beneficial to the keep in touch cards in particular.
The existing card lacked QR codes for becoming a learning partner. What occurred was rather than an user scanning a code and signing up to become a learning partner, they would check a box, hand the card back to a team member, who then would physically mail the cards to headquarters to be imputed manually.
This was an overly complicated process which was very convoluted and could stand to have all the middle men cut out.
Going hand in hand with the lack of QR code usage, is lack of information. Instead of using one card that contained many pieces of information, users might have to fill out multiple cards to get what they want. Or fill out a card and take a card home in order to keep information.
For the new Keep in Touch Card, it was imperative to create a design that not only looks good, but conveys all the pertinent information all in one place.
Utilize QR codes to optimize information gathering for the ICG team and make it easy for users to scan.
Take a large amount of information and fit it within the card in a way that is easy to read.
After understanding what the existing cards lacked, I could dive into the correct solutions to solve the existing issues.
While trying to figure out general solutions to the overall issues that the previous cards had, I tried to think of other physical cards that contained a large volume of information in a visually pleasing way.
Wedding invitations checked off all those boxes and I was able to see cleaver solutions and hierarchical breakdowns of a high volume of copy without overwhelming users. Which was ultimately my top priority goal with this re-design.
Taking inspiration from my research and knowing my needs, I could take pen to paper and get all my ideas out before I started mocking up the cards digitally.
With the new Keep in Touch Card, I was able to clean up the overall layout without sacrificing the information needed.
I broke down the card into sections with the left side containing the QR codes while the right contains the written information to request a consultant reach back out to the user.
I also tried to keep the copy down to only the absolute necessary information on the consultant request section. This way both the user and team member who eventually gets this card handed back to them will have key information highlighted.
Back of Card
Front of Card
It was a requirement to include two QR codes on this card. The first being a newsletter sign up and the second being a learning partner sign up.
By stacking them and keeping the language the same I was able to inform users visually that each QR code was to be used the same purpose, just for a slightly different outcome.
The biggest challenge I encountered was figuring out how to best use the space. This card is 6" x 4" in size but required three different pieces of information.
So Finding out the best way to fit everything together seamlessly was a fun challenge and it helped to treat it like a puzzle.
As these cards get used more and more at each in-person event, it is important for myself and my team to keep up with any and all feedback we get.
The top question is, Do these cards work? As there is no point in having these cards in rotation if they aren't giving the desired results.
So, in the following months, I will be monitoring the outcome of the design by keeping track of how many newsletter sign ups were completed using the QR code as well as how many consultants reached out via the card.